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File Menu

The File menu contains selections which allow you to exit Manager or to pull up any of the last four orders on which you were working. This list is customized to the current user in
the user list -- if a different user is selected, the list changes.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu provides options for entering and removing information from your Manager orders.

  • Cut- Cuts a highlighted section of repair lines from an order or from order history.  The section is copied to your Windows clipboard where it can be pasted if desired.  
  • Copy- Copies a highlighted section of repair  lines from the clipboard into an order. 
  • Paste- Pastes a section of repair lines from the clipboard into an order. 
  • Delete- Deletes a highlighted section of repair lines from the order. 
  • Clear Customer- Clears customer information from an order. 
  • Remove Customer- Removes customer record from the database.
  • Remove Vehicle- Removes a selected vehicle, without current orders, from the Manager database. 
  • Remove Order- Removes the current order from the database. 

View Menu

Select an option for more information:

Work In Progress

Quick Estimates


Repair Orders


Counter Sale

Special Orders




Choose a Configurations menu selection for more information:

Standard Descriptions

Standard Tables

Shop Data Setup

Vendor Setup

Technicians Setup


Packages and Discounts Setup

Tire Packages Setup

Brake Packages Setup

Lube, Oil, & Filter Packages Setup

End of Day Reports

Program Security

Diagnostic Reports

Special Maintenance


The Utilities menu lists the following selections.

Find Customer

Find History Record

Batch Payment

Late Fees Assessment

Inventory list

Part Kits

Canned Jobs

Export Packages

Import Packages


Customer Screen

Vehicle Screen

End of Day Reports


Choose an Inventory menu selection item for detailed help information:

Inventory List

Inventory Transactions

Physical Count Update


Return Part To Vendor

Purchase Orders

Month End Close

Training Videos

Opens the How Do I? Training Videos selection list.


Opens a selection of CRM services offered by Mitchell 1.


The Help selection provides access to Manager'ss on-line help system. You can also access Help for any program function by pressing F1.

Note: You can access context-sensitive Help in any screen display panel by pressing F1.

The Help Menu also provides access to the About dialog box, which provides program version identification.