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End of Day Reports

Everyone has the need to print certain reports on a daily basis. The End of Day reports function is an option to shortcut the printing of all of your daily reports in a single batch operation. Configurations - End of Day setup allows you to select specific reports to be printed daily when you exit the program, typically at end of each day. There are over 120 report options to select from this menu; check the boxes for the reports that are to be printed during the End-Of-day process.

Now that your daily reports are selected, here is where you trigger this routine. Go to Utilities menu and select End of Day. You’ll most likely be using the End of Day selection with the date range for the day’s business already set. You will see the number of reports selected to be printed when you click on Start. As an alternative to End of Day, which uses date range, End-Of-Shift uses a time stamp method, picking up where the last End of Shift left off. For example, if a first shift is 6:00am thru 2:30pm, End of Shift would run reports that tally all business posted by 2:30pm. Second shift runs from 2:30pm thru 11:00pm, that End of Shift would run reports that tally all business posted by 11:00pm.

NOTE: Care must be taken not to run End of Shift at the wrong time as the time/date stamp cannot be manually changed.

Please note that if using the Late Fees function, the Late Fees Assessment process is also launched from this screen at the appropriate time.

To set up end of day reporting:

1. Select End of Day Reports from the Setup menu.

The End of Day Reports dialog box displays available End of Day Reports.

2. Click on a report name that you want to add to your end of day report run, and click Tag.

A "+" appears in the Tag column, indicating that the report has been selected as part of the end of day report run.

3. Repeat step 2 for all reports you want to include in your end of day report run.

4. When finished defining End of Day Reports, select OK to close the dialog box.

To run end of day reports:

1. Select End of Day from the Utilities menu.

The End of Day Procedure dialog box displays.

2. The top part of the dialog box displays the processing period for the end of day reports. Pick a different date range for the report print run, if desired. Alternatively, you may choose End of Shift Report for period: if you run multiple shifts in your facility and want reports for each shift. Just run the End of Shift Report at the end of each shift.

The lower portion of the dialog box displays the number of reports to be printed (as designated in End of Day Reports Setup) and provides a check box that allows you to Disable Report Printing.

3. Click on the Start button to send the end of day reports to the printer.

4. If desired, you may also launch the Late Fees Assessment routine by selecting the Late Fees Assessment button.