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Vehicle Screen

Once you have finished adding or choosing a customer, you may want to add the customer's vehicle(s) or make edits to an existing vehicle. You may also need to delete a vehicle from a customer record. These activities are accomplished in the Vehicle screen.

To open the Vehicle screen:

  • Select the Vehicle thumb-tab from the Customer screen after entering customer information. This associates the vehicle you are about to enter with the customer you entered.


  • Select Vehicle from the Utilities menu. This creates a new vehicle record with which you can associate a customer.

Note: Normally, you will enter new customers and their vehicles into the Manager database while you are in the process of creating orders. Access the Vehicle screen via the Utilities menu when you need to enter/edit groups of vehicles, as when you are entering your existing customers, and their vehicles as part of your initial Manager setup.

You can enter a new vehicle, add additional vehicles, or delete a vehicle from the customer record in this dialog box.

The Vehicle screen is where you enter, edit, delete, and view recommendations. Any time there is a recommendation present for the vehicle, the Vehicle tab is highlighted in a different color (normally green).

Adding Additional Vehicles to a Customer Record

1. After you have finished inputting information for the current vehicle, select New.

A dialog box asks if you wish to clear the current customer.

2. Select No as you are adding additional vehicles to the same customer.

The Vehicle Screen is cleared.

3. Type in a unique License number and complete the remaining fields.


Use the VIN Decode feature to look up vehicle information based on the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

4. Select Exit, or any other system function, to exit the Vehicle Screen. Your Vehicle Screen input will be saved.


Select any other menu item, icon, or thumb tab option to change to a different Manager panel. Your vehicle input will be saved.

Remove Vehicle

1. In the Vehicle Screen, with the vehicle you wish to delete selected, pick Remove Vehicle from the Edit menu. A message asks that you confirm the deletion.

2. Select Yes to permanently remove the vehicle from your Manager database.

Select a topic below for instructions...


Entering a New Vehicle

Transfer a Vehicle