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  Batch Payment

The Batch Payments dialog box allows you to quickly apply a payment, or a set of payments, to Manager invoices. You would normally make batch payments to the posted orders of a customer with an in-house credit account (for example, a fleet customer).

 To apply a batch payment:

1.     Select Batch Payment from the Utilities menu.


        Press F5 while in any Manager screen.

        The Batch Payments dialog box appears.

2.     Select the Name or Company button to open the Customer List from which you select the customer whose posted invoices you wish to work with.

3.     Select a customer from the Customer List.

        The Batch Payments dialog box is populated with information about the customer's invoice(s).

        The current date is automatically entered in the Date field and the default payment type is automatically entered in the Type field. You can select a different date or time, or payment type, from the pull-down choice lists if necessary.

4.     Choose Print Receipt, if you would like to print a receipt of the payment.

5.     Enter the amount of the payment in the Amount field.

You can skip this step if you plan to auto distribute payment in full (refer to Step #7).

6.     Enter the Reference # and/or the Authorization #, as necessary.

7.     Apply the payments to the posted invoices. There are two ways you can do this. You can:

        Choose Auto Distribute .


        Apply payments 1 to the invoices individually.

8.     Select Save to save your batch payment(s) while still remaining in the Batch Payments dialog box.


        Select Done to save your batch payment(s) and exit the dialog box.

Non-Sufficient Funds

The Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) function allows you to debit a customer's outstanding balance for the amount of the returned item. Click HereNSF-Checks for a procedure for processing a cancelled check.