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Purchase Orders

The Purchase Orders dialog box provides options for creating new purchase orders, viewing open purchase orders, and performing certain maintenance activities on open POs (Edit PO, Receive Parts, Delete POs). The Purchase Orders dialog box is opened from the Inventory menu.

Creating Purchase Orders

Manager offers several different methods of generating purchase orders. 

  • Select Restock From Inventory to generate a PO based upon parts with inventory levels which have dropped below a calculated restocking level
  • Select Pick List from Orders to generate a PO based upon the parts that are committed to open orders.
  • Select Add to open the Purchase Order Worksheet, in which you can manually build an order.

Purchase Order Maintenance

The Purchase Order grid lists the PO number, Vendor Name, PO Required date, and the PO Status (Open, Closed). Option buttons along the top of the Purchase Orders screen allow you to choose to view all P.O.s (Open and Closed), Open P.O.s, or Closed P.O.s only.

 Manager offers a number of maintenance activities that you can perform on Purchase Orders. You can:

  • Select Print Recv'd Check List to print preview (and print if desired) a checklist of all  of the parts on the PO.
  • Choose Search to conduct a robust search of POs based on POs based on Status, Date, or Vendor.
  • Select Add Order to Add items to the purchase order.
  • Select Edit/Receive Order to edit items on the purchase order or to receive items to the PO.
  • Select Delete to permanently remove a purchase order.
  • Select Done to close the Purchase Orders dialog box.