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History Panel

This panel allows you to access all of the History records for a given vehicle or for a given customer. The grid displays all of the history records for the customer or vehicle depending upon your display selection. The following options are available

  • Display for -  Choose between desplaying all history records for the current customer, or for just a single vehicle. 
  • Un-Post Invoice - Allows you to un-post an invoice reopening it into Work-In-Progress.
  • Print - Allows you to print a listing of the customer's vehicle history.
  • Search - Allows you to search for History Records based upon key word(s) entered into the Enter Information  dialog box. The program searches the Description field of each invoice in the grid to find matches to your search request. 
  • Detail - Opens the History Detail dialog box.

You can open the history panel by selecting Find History Record (F4) from the Utilities menu or by selecting the History thumb-tab in any open Order.

Process and Print History Records

From time to time, your customers request repair history information for one or more of their vehicles. While this has been a time-consuming task when they ask for multiple, or specific, history invoices, we have a couple of selection methods to speed up this process. More>>

See also...

Vehicle History

History Panel

Finding a History Record (By Customer)

Find History Record (By Invoice Number)

Copying Repair Lines from a History Record

Process and Print History Records