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Working with Reports:

Note: It is highly recommended that you view the PerformanceCenter Learning Module for details on accessing and using reports. Click the "Report Details" link above for a description of the Top 25 most used shop management reports.

1. Select the Reports button from the far right end of the button bar to display the Report Selections dialog box.

2. Select the thumb tab which represents the type of report that you wish to work with.

The dialog box dynamically alters to display the selection of reports that is available in the selected report classification.

3. Click your mouse pointer on the desired report.

4. Choose between Report to Screen (to view the report on-screen) and Report to Printer (to send a copy of the report to the printer).

5. Select a printer, If necessary, from the pull-down choice list. (Your Windows default printer will be automatically used when printing.)

6. Overtype, if necessary, the "1" in the No. of Copies To Print with the desired number of copies.

7. Select Print.

An additional dialog box appears for many reports, asking for additional information.

8. Provide record selection criteria, if applicable.

9. Select OK.

The report is sent to the screen, or the printer, depending upon your selection. See Screen Reports for information on your viewing options.