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Packages and Discounts Setup


The Packages and Discounts dialog box is where you Add, Edit, and Delete Packages and Discount Coupons. The dialog box is opened by selecting Packages & Discounts from the Setup menu. You can choose to work with packages by choosing the Packages tab, or discount coupons by clicking on the Discount Coupons tab.

  • Packages are parts and labor operations which are grouped together and sold for a (usually discounted) single price.
  • Discount Coupons apply a flat dollar amount or percentage discount to the parts or labor on an order.

Three option buttons allow you to select views:

  • View All displays current, future, and expired packages/coupons.
  • Current displays only those packages/coupons which are currently valid.
  • Expired displays packages/coupons which have passed their expiration date.


Procedures for Packages:

Adding a Package

Editing a Package


Procedures for Discount Coupons:

Adding a Discount Coupon

Editing a Discount Coupon