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User Selection List

The User Selection List is where you specify the current user of the system. You should select a user, normally yourself, before beginning to work in Manager. That way, any screen view settings that you change during the course of your session will be saved for you the next time that you use the system.

To select the current user:

1. Click your mouse pointer on the desired name.

The name is highlighted.

2. Select OK.

The User Selection List closes and your screen view changes to reflect the attributes of the selected user. Any changes made to screen view settings will be saved as part of the user's profile.

The following Manager screen view settings are controlled by user:

  • Display for Work-In-Progress Grid - The sizing and placement of columns in the Work-In-Progress grid.
  • Display Sort/Filter for Work-In-Progress Grid - The types of orders (Estimates, Repair Orders, Counter Sales, etc.) that are displayed, and their sort order, in the Work In Progress grid. These settings are selected in the Status Display Preferences dialog box.
  • Display for Order Grid - The sizing and placement of columns in the Order grids (Estimate, Repair Order, Special Order, etc).
  • Last Four Orders List - The file menu lists the last four orders that the user worked on for quick retrieval.
  • Schedule Position and Size - Manager "remembers" the screen position and size of the schedule when the selected user last worked with it.
  • Inventory List Sort Order - The sort order (by Part Number or by Description) that the Inventory List is initially sorted by when opened.
  • History Screen Display - Whether the History screen will initially display by Customer or by Vehicle.

See also...

Program Security