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The Screen View panel in Shop Data Setup contains a setting that allows you to run Manager in a symptom-driven manner. (Select Shop Data Setup from the Setup menu and then the Screen View tab to open the Screen View panel.)

Once this feature has been enabled, every time you create a new order, Manager displays the Symptoms Reported by Customer dialog box when you open the Order screen. This dialog box is also displayed by selecting the Symptoms button on the Repair Lines button bar.

Use this dialog box to record symptoms of poor performance reported by the customer. You can also add labor to the order. Once you have added a symptom by clicking Select Symptom, click Save to save the symptom to the order and stay in the dialog box or click Done to save the symptom and close the dialog box.

The Symptoms reported by Customer screen contains the following fields/options:

  • Short Description - Standard (short) name for the symptom. You can type new symptom in or select one from the grid in which case the remaining fields of the dialog box fill in automactically. Standard Symptoms are maintained in Shop Data Setup. 
  • Symptom Description - Extended description for the symptom.
  • Work Requested - Work recommended by shop to correct the symptom
  • Charged Hours - Labor hours to be charged for the diagnosis/repair.  These hours will be added to the order. 
  • Labor Total $ - Labor $ as calculated by Charged Hours extended at your shop rate.  This dollar amount will be added to the order. 
  • Non-Standard Labor Rate -Click this box to disable the automatic calculation of hours/dollars.  You can then change hours without changing dollars and vice-versa. 
  • Save as Standard Symptoms - Check this box to sae the current symptom as a Standard Symptom. You are then able to apply the symptom to subsequent orders. 
  • Come Back - Click that customer has come back from a previous job.  Enter the old invoice number in the Invoice field.  A report allows you to view comebacks-this report is populated with the old invoice information once the current invoice is posted. 
  • Est. Parts $ - Estimate Parts cost. This dollar amount will be added to the order. 
  • Category/Account - The Category and Account for the Labor $ amount. 

 The TSB button opens a screen that allows you to look up TSBs in the repair module, if installed.

The View Symptoms on Order button opens a dialog box in which you can view and edit the description of symptoms on the order.

See also.

Standard Symptoms

Screen View