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Symptoms and TSBs


The TSB link within the Symptoms Reported by Customer dialog box opens the Symptoms and TSBs dialog box. You can use this dialog box to perform a search of TSBs based on customer-reported symptoms and then link out to Mitchell ON-DEMAND or (if installed) directly to the desired TSB.

To Search TSBs in Manager:

1.     In the Symptoms Reported by Customer dialog box, click the TSB button.

        The Symptoms and TSBs dialog box displays.

2.     Pick a Symptom in the Symptoms grid.

        Available TSBs for the selected vehicle display in the Category and System grid.

3.     Pick a Category/System.

4.     Mitchell ON-DEMAND is launched (if not already running) and opens to the selected TSB.

See also.


Standard Symptoms

Screen View

Symptoms On Order