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Restock from Inventory

The ReStock from Inventory dialog box allows you to generate a Purchase Order based upon items with inventory levels that have dropped below a calculated re-order point. A part re-order is triggered if the re-order point is greater than or equal to on-hand quantity minus items committed to orders.

The ReStock from Inventory calculation is performed as follows:

          Order Qty = Re-stock level - On-Hand Qty. - On-Order Qty.

To create a Purchase Order using the ReStock Function:

1.  In the Purchase Orders dialog box, select ReStock from Inventory.

The ReStock from Inventory dialog box appears.

2. Select a Vendor from the pull-down choice list.

3. Click on each Vendor classification (Vendor #1, Vendor #2, Vendor #3) for which parts should be included.

For example, if you are generating a PO for Acme Parts Inc. and want to include all inventory items for which Acme has been designated Vendor #1, you would check the Vendor #1 box only.

4. Choose OK.

 The Purchase Order Worksheet lists the parts and order quantities that match the ReStock from Inventory request. Vendor information is automatically entered into the appropriate fields.