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View the Program Workflow DemoPurchase Order Worksheet

The Purchase Order Worksheet provides access to a wide range of options in working with newly generated purchase orders and editing and receiving parts to existing POs.

Manager PO Creation

POs may be automatically generated, as in the case of orders created via the ReStock from Inventory, or the Pick List from Orders, or you can create a PO from scratch by selecting the Add button in the Purchase Orders dialog box. Regardless of how the PO is created, you will be automatically taken to the Purchase Order Worksheet. Here you can Add an item to the PO, Edit an existing item, or Delete an item. Once you have finished working in the Purchase Order Worksheet, select Done to save the Purchase Order.

Receiving Parts View the Program Workflow Demo

The Purchase Order Worksheet is where you receive parts into the Manager. You can choose to Receive All Options parts, or to Receive Parts to a Repair Order

Additional Options: Select Print to print the PO. View the Program Workflow Demo