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Add/Edit Package

Packages are parts and labor operations which are grouped together and sold for a (usually discounted) single price. The Add/Edit Package dialog box is opened by selecting Add (to add a new package), or by clicking your mouse pointer on a package and selecting Edit (to edit an existing package) in the Packages and Discounts Setup dialog box.

The Add/Edit Packages dialog box contains the following fields/selections:

  • Package # - Type in a unique set of up to eight (8) characters for the package.
  • Taxed as - Choose whether the Package will be taxed as Labor or Parts.
  • Description - Enter a description (up to 50 characters) for the package that will appear in the Promotions grid and in the repair lines when added to an order.
  • Category - Choose a Category for the package.
  • Account - Choose an Account for the package.
  • Start Date - Type or select the date at which the package will begin.
  • End Date  - Type or select the date at which the package will be completed.
  • Sale Amount - The amount that will be charged the customer.
  • Commision Grid - Enter up to six pay hour increments and/or commission amounts. These commissions can be assigned to technician(s) when the package is attached to an order.

Deleting A Package

To delete a package:

1.     Click your mouse pointer on the name of the package you wish to delete.

        The package row is highlighted.

2.     Select Delete.

        A dialog box asks that you confirm your deletion.

3.     Select Ok.

        The package is deleted.