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 Add/Edit Discount Coupon

Discount Coupons apply a flat dollar amount or percentage discount to the parts or labor on an order. Discount Coupons are set up in the Add/Edit Discount Coupons dialog box.

The Add/Edit Discount Coupons dialog box is opened by selecting Add (to add a new coupon), or by clicking your mouse pointer on a coupon and selecting Edit (to edit an existing coupon) in the Packages and Discounts Setup dialog box. If editing a coupon, the current values and selections are displayed.

Once in the Discount Coupons dialog box, you make the necessary changes/entries and select Ok to save. The Discount Coupons dialog box contains the following fields/selections:

  • Coupon Type 
    • Dollar Off - Indicates that the coupon will apply a flat dollar discount to an order.
    • Percent Off - Indicates that the coupon will apply a discount as a percentage of the sales amount.
    • Coupon # - The coupon control number, if any. (Can be up to eight digits.)
    • Description - A description of the coupon. For example, "$10 off Tune-up and Lube." (Can be up to 50 characters.)
    • Start Date - The date that the coupon will begin to be in effect.
    • End Date -  The date that the coupon will expire.
    • Parts Dollar/Percent Off - This field is where you enter a parts discount dollar amount or percentage depending upon whether you selected "Dollar Off" or "Percent Off" for Coupon Type. A percentage discount is entered as a whole number, not as a decimal. For example, a Parts Percent Off value of 10.00 equals 10% off all parts on the order.
    • Labor Dollar/Percent Off - This field is where you enter a labor discount dollar amount or percentage depending upon whether you selected "Dollar Off" or "Percent Off" for Coupon Type. A percentage discount is entered as a whole number, not as a decimal. For example, a Labor Percent Off value of 10.00 equals 10% off all labor charges on the order.

Deleting a Discount Coupon

To delete a discount coupon:

1.     Click your mouse pointer on the name of the discount coupon you wish to delete.

        The discount coupon row is highlighted.

2.     Select Delete.

        A dialog box asks that you confirm your deletion.

3.     Select Ok.

        The discount coupon is deleted.

See also...
