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 Referral Setup


The Referral Setup dialog box is where you maintain a choice list of referral sources for the Marketing Data dialog box. The choice list should include all regular sources of referral business (other shop, newspaper ad, etc.).

You can add, edit, and delete referral descriptions in this dialog box.


You are not permitted to remove or change the Friend referral description. Removing this description would cause the Referral Lookup feature to become inoperable.


Adding a Referral Description

1.     Select Add. 

        The Enter Information dialog box appears. 

2.     Type in a Referral Description.

3.     Select Ok.

Editing a Referral Description

1.     Select the Referral Description you wish to edit.

2.     Select Edit.

        The Enter Information dialog box displays the current Referral Description.

3.     Overtype the current Description.

4.     Select Ok to save your change(s).

Deleting a Referral Description

1.     Select the Referral Description you wish to delete.

2.     Select Delete.

        A dialog box directs you to confirm your deletion. 

3.     Select Yes to delete the Referral Description.