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Marketing Data

The Marketing Data dialog box is where you collect information about your customers for use in selectively marketing your products and services. The dialog box is opened by selecting the Market button in the Customer panel.

Market - Allows access to entry for work address and association of any groups that your customer might belong to. Company Work Information - provides space to store an alternate customer address. Referral Setup – provides a screen to add, edit or delete entries in the Referral drop-list.

Referral is useful to determine which marketing method was responsible for bringing this customer to the shop. If Friend is selected as Referral Type, a secondary box displaying the Customer list pops up so that you may select a customer name. This way you may track referrals made by your other customers and reward them. There are two Referral reports to provide tracking for this function.  

Group Setup – provides access to add, edit or delete entries on the Groups drop-list. These are the groups that can be selected and saved per customer record from the numbered Group slots in the Work/Association window.

See Also...

Referral Setup

Group Setup