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NSF Checks


The Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) function allows you to debit a customer's outstanding balance for the amount of the returned item. The following procedure describes how to process a returned check.

To process an NSF check:

1.     Press [F5] to open the Batch Payments dialog box.

        Find the customer using the Company or Name button, once in the 'rolodex' highlight the company or customer name and click on the OK button. 

        You are returned to the Batch Payments dialog box.

2.     Click the NSF button to open the Check Payment History dialog box.

        The Check Payment History displays all check payments made by this customer.

3.     Highlight the line that corresponds with the returned check, and click on the NSF button.

        You are prompted to confirm your request.

4.     Click OK.

5.     Exit the batch payment function. The amount of the NSF item is now included in the customer balance.

See also.

Batch Payments