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Find History Record (By Vehicle)


Manager offers you the ability to search for history records based upon vehicle information (for example, 1993 Honda Accord LX) and/or for history records containing certain types of repairs (for example, Transmission Rebuild). This powerful capability is especially useful when used in conjunction with Manager's copy and paste capability to create repair lines for a new order from the repair lines of a history order. (See Copying Repair Lines from a History Record for details)

To find a History Record based upon Vehicle Information:

1.     Select Find History Record from the Utilities menu.


        Press F4.

        The Find History Record dialog box appears.

2.     Select the Vehicle tab if not already selected.

3.     Select,as known, Vehicle Year, Make, and Model.


        Enter the text you wish to search for in the Word Search field (Rotate Tires, Oil Filter, etc.). (Note: the word search looks at the description of the individual line items in the repair, not the category).

4.     Select View Record.

        The History Panel displays the history record(s) that match the search request.

See also...

Vehicle History

History Panel

Finding a History Record (By Customer)

Find History Record (By Invoice Number)

Copying Repair Lines from a History Record