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Copying an Inventory List Item

An easy way to create a new inventory item is to copy a similar existing item and simply change those fields that are different.

To copy an Inventory item:

1.     In the grid of the Inventory List dialog box, click your mouse pointer on the part you wish to make a copy of.

        The grid line for the part is highlighted.

2.     Select Copy.

        A dialog box asks you to confirm your request.

3.     Select Yes to create a copy of the part record.

        A copy of the part record appears in the Inventory List grid.

        {bmc COPY.BMP}

4.     Double-click your mouse pointer on the copied record.

        The Edit Part dialog box appears.

5.     Change the Part Number and/or description and edit any other fields, as necessary.

6.     Select OK.

        Your new inventory item is now available for placement on Manager orders.

See also...

Inventory List