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Adding a New Part Kit

To add a Part Kit:

1.     Select the Add button.

        The Add Kit dialog box appears with the cursor in the Kit # field.

2.     Type in a unique Kit No (up to 20 characters in length).

3.     Select/deselect that the kit is taxable.

4.     Type in a Description for the kit.

5.     Select a Category.

6.     Select an Acct. Class.

7.     Select Use bundled pricing in the Price Information section of the screen, if desired.


If you choose not to use bundled pricing, the parts will be listed and priced on the order as individual components.

8.     Enter a bundled List Price, if necessary. 

9.     Select Add to add a part to your Parts kit. The Inventory List dialog box appears.

10.  Type, or select from a pull-down list, identifying information for the part (as known):


        Part #



11.  Select the Search icon.

        The Inventory list displays the part(s) which match your request.

12.  Highlight the part you wish to add to the kit.  

13.  Select Transfer.

14.  You are returned to the Add Kit dialog box.The new part is added to your kit list.

15.  Repeat steps 10 through 14, as necessary to add additional parts to your kit. To remove a part from your kit, highlight the part and select remove.


Editing an Existing Part Kit

You may have a need to make a change to an existing parts kit. As with adding a new kit, this is accomplished in the Part Kits dialog box. This procedure details the steps for editing a parts kit.

To edit an existing part kit: 

1.     Select Part Kits from the Utilities menu.

        The Part Kits dialog box appears.

2.     Type, or select from a pull-down list, identifying information for the part (as known):


    Part #



3.     Select the Search icon. 

        The dialog displays the kits that match your request.

4.     Select the kit which you wish to edit by clicking on it with your mouse pointer.

5.     Select Edit.

        The Edit Kits dialog box appears with the information from the selected part number displayed in the appropriate fields. The data fields are identical to those in the Add Kit dialog box described in Adding a New Part Kit .

6.     Click your mouse pointer on a part in the repair lines and select Edit, if desired to open the Edit Kit Line dialog box. You can change the quantity of the part used in the kit, and select if the user will be prompted to use the part when the kit is added to an order. Make any changes necessary.

7.     Select OK.

        Your edits are saved and you are returned to the Inventory list dialog box.

Deleting a Part Kit

As a general housekeeping function, you may wish to delete a part kit.

To delete a part kit: 

1.     Select Part Kits from the Utilities menu.

        The Part Kits dialog box appears.

2.     Type, or select from a pull-down list, identifying information for the part (as known):


        Part #


3.     Select the Search icon. 

        The dialog displays the kits that match your request.

4.     Select the kit which you wish to delete by clicking on it with your mouse pointer.

5.     Select Delete.

        You are asked to confirm your deletion.

7.     Select Yes to delete the part kit.