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 Attached Items  

Manager allows you to associate parts that are frequently used in combination with one another. For example, your shop might sell an A/C Receiver Drier that requires a set of O-Rings. By designating the O-Rings as an attached item, you can be reminded to include the O-Rings as part of every A/C Receiver Drier sale.

Attached parts can be thought of as having a parent/child relationship. The parent part, normally the larger of the two parts, is the one that will generate the prompt for a part that has been designated as an attached item (child).

To associate an Attached Item:

1.     In the Add or Edit Part dialog box for the parent part, select the Attached button.

        The Select Attached Parts dialog box displays currently attached items, if any.

2.     Select Add.

        The Attached Item  dialog box displays the available items in the selected Category of the parent item.

3.     Select a different Category, if necessary, from which you wish to choose a part from the pull-down choice list.

        Parts available in the selected Category display.

4.     Select the item you wish to attach.

5.     Click in the Prompt for Attached Part check box, if you wish to be prompted for the attached part when the parent part is placed on an order.

6.     Select OK.

        You are returned to the Select Attached Parts dialog box with the new attached item displayed.

See also...

Alternate Parts

Alternate Pricing

Inventory list