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Alternate Parts

Manager allows you to associate multiple part numbers to the same part. For example, you may normally carry AC-brand Oil Filters, but get in a one-time shipment of Fram filters. Since you don't plan on reordering Fram filters, you decide that you don't want to enter the Fram filter into your inventory list. What you can do, in this instance, is set up the Fram filter as an alternate part. Every time that you use a Fram filter, Manager offers the opportunity to use the AC Oil Filter information from the Inventory list on the order.

To add an Alternate Part Number to an existing part:


You can also add an alternate part number to a new part. The steps are identical to the steps in this procedure except that you will work in the Add Part dialog box.

1.     In the Edit Part dialog box, select Alt Parts.

        The Edit Alternate Parts dialog box displays.

2.     Select Add.

        The first available cell in the grid is marked for text entry.

3.     Enter an alternate part number.

4.     Select OK.

        The next time that you enter the alternate part number in an order, the Select Substitute Part dialog box appears.

5.     Select Use Inventory list to use substitute part information.


        Select Use Selected to forgo the opportunity to use substitute part information.

See also...

Alternate Pricing

Attached Items

Inventory List

Select Substitute Part