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Selecting the Parts button in the Order Screen opens the Order item entry- PARTS dialog box. There are two ways that you can approach the task of adding parts to your Manager orders. You can:

  • Type parts information directly into the Order item entry-PARTS dialog box. This has the effect of adding the parts information to your order without using information from your Manager database and without saving any information to your database.

  • Select part(s) that have already been entered into your Manager database from the Inventory list

To add Parts information from a non-inventory item to your order:

1. Select Parts from the repair line button bar.

The Order item entry- PARTS dialog box displays.
2. Enter a part number (up to 20 characters) in the Part No. field.

3. Select a part type from the Part Type pull-down spin button. The Description field fills in automatically.

4. Complete the remaining fields and check boxes of the Order item entry-PARTS dialog box. The fields and check boxes are described below:

  • Quantity - The number of individual units of the item that will be used on the order.
  • Unit Cost - The cost of each unit.
  • Unit Retail - Unit Cost multiplied by the shop markup. This calculated cost can be manually overwritten, if desired.
  • Unit Sale - The Unit Retail amount less customer discount, if applicable. The amount can also be manually overwritten, as necessary, if the Fixed Unit Sale Amount checkbox is selected.
  • Vendor - Select the vendor of the item from the pull-down.
  • Category - The Category of the item, as selected from the pull-down.
  • Account - The general ledger account name of the item selected from a pull-down choice list.
  • Technician - The technician who is to be associated with the sale of the item selected from a pull-down list.
  • No Commission - When selected, indicates that no commission is to be paid on the sale of the part.
  • Fixed Commission - Indicates that a fixed commission, rather than a commission calculated on the sale price, is to be paid on the sale of the part. When selected, the Commission $ field becomes enabled, allowing you to apply a commission dollar amount.
  • Commission $ - When Fixed Commission is selected for a part, this field is enabled, allowing you to apply a commission dollar amount to be applied for each part sale.
  • Fixed Unit Sale Amount - Select this checkbox to manually overwrite the calculated sale amount. Once selected, enter the desired sale amount in the Unit Sale $ field.
  • Part Confirmed on Invoice - Tag the part as having been used on the order
  • Inventory Part - Select this field when you have entered part information that you want to use to create an inventory item record. A confirmation message asks, 'Do you want to create a new entry in Inventory?' Select Yes to create a new inventory item record with the information you have entered in the Order item entry - PARTS dialog box.
  • Display Off - Turns the Unit Cost $ field off for the Order item entry - Parts dialog box.
  • Accessory Part - Designates that the part is an accessory to be used in combination with another specified part.
  • Core - Designates that the part is a core (refund) item.
  • Display Off - Turns the Unit Cost $ field off for the Order item entry - Parts dialog box.

5. Select Tax, if necessary, to change from the default tax rate for this part.

6. Select Cust Type, if necessary, to change the labor rate for this line item from the Shop/Customer default.

7. Select Save to save your input and clear the panel so that you can add additional parts to your order.


Select Done to save your parts input and return to the Order panel.

The new part entry will appear in the repair lines.

To transfer a part from the Inventory List to your order (when you know the part number):

1. Enter the part number in the Part No. field.

2. Press Tab.


Click your mouse pointer in any other field.

The part information is automatically retrieved.

To transfer a part from the Inventory list to your order (when you don't know the part number):

Note: Follow this procedure to transfer parts information into your order for a part that has already been entered into the Inventory list.

1. Select Parts from the repair line button bar. The Order item entry- PARTS dialog box displays.

2. Choose the Inventory list button in the lower left corner of the display.

The Inventory list dialog box is displayed.

Note: This is the same panel as the Inventory List dialog box used to add, edit, and delete parts from the Manager parts database. The only difference is that a Transfer button now appears on the panel allowing you to transfer parts to your order.

3. Type, or select from a pull-down list, identifying information for the part (as known):

  • Category
  • Part #
  • Description

4. Select the Search icon.

The Inventory list displays the part(s) which match your request.

Note: You are also able to add new parts to your inventory list to be added to your order, if necessary. Refer to the procedure Adding a New Part.

5. Highlight the part you wish to add to the order.

6. Select Transfer.

You are returned to the Order Item Entry-PARTS dialog box with the information from the selected part entered into the appropriate fields.

7. Edit any data fields, if necessary.

8. Select Tax, if necessary, to change from the default tax rate for this part.

9. Select Cust Type, if necessary, to change the labor rate for this line item from the Shop/Customer default.

10. Select Save to save your input and clear the panel so that you can add additional parts to your order.


Select Done to save your parts input and return to the Order panel.

The new part entry will appear in the repair lines.

Note on Parts Quantities on Tire Packages: By default, quantity of any part included in a tire package will be the same as the quantity of the tires added to the order. In other words, if you choose 4 tires, you will also add 4 valve stems, 4 mountings, etc. If you want a part not to vary based upon tire quantity, you need to choose Ignore Package Quantity when setting up the part in the package.

See also...

Inventory list