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Setting Up Protected Functions

Manager is shipped without security enabled. It is up to the designated system administrator to determine which, if any, functions to protect and who in your shop should be allowed to access which functions. Program Security is selected from the Setup menu. 

To set up protected areas:

1. In the Program Security Setup dialog box, select Change Protected Areas. The Protected Areas dialog box appears. 

2. The Protected Areas dialog box is comprised of three fields. These fields are described below.

  • Master Password - The password that is used by the designated system administrator to acces all areas of the system.
  • Select - The check boxes in which you pick which security rights a user will be able to access.
  • Rights Description - A description of the dialog box, or system function, to which protection can be applied.            

3. Enter a Master Password.

This password will allow access to all areas of the system. If you are the person who will be responsible for managing the security of the system, you will want to be the only person who knows the Master Password. If someone else will be responsible for administration of security in your shop, that person should input the Master Password. This person should be set up as a regular user with his own password, able to use the Master Password as necessary.

4. Select areas to be protected by clicking your mouse pointer in the box next to the desired area in the Select field.

The protected areas that you choose is a management decision of your shop that should reflect the need to control access to sensitive system functions such as customer payments, tax rates, etc.


You must choose <Supervisor> Program Security as a protected area or any system user will be able to change security access.

5. Choose Done when finished designating areas to be protected.

You are returned to the Program Security Setup dialog box.The dialog boxes and system functions that you have designated to be protected now appear in the Select Protected Areas of the dialog box.  

You are now ready to add users and to designate which protected functions each will be allowed to access.

See also ...

Adding Users