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Price Levels Table

Price Levels is where you configure your parts pricing strategy. These are really not discounts, but part price levels which you assign to specific customers. This table allows you to maintain up to 10 levels of discounts. More precisely, this is where you determine which price levels will apply to each customer for parts and materials. For fleets, government or similar customers, it makes sense to establish their rates in the Customer and Vehicle screens as needed. These are price levels that will be used constantly throughout the customer’s history with your shop. You can change which price level is assigned to a customer anytime by clicking the Type button on the customer screen. All future orders will use the newly assigned parts pricing level.

Warning: Keep the value on Line #1 at 0%, or you could end up automatically discounting every part sold. Please note that negative values (ex. -10%) will instead *add* that percentage to create selling prices above the normal retail parts pricing.

Since the goal is to maximize profits, shops need to give careful consideration to their discounting strategy. This Price Levels table determines every day pricing and true Discounts and Coupons are one-time options used at the order or individual item level.

Parts entered onto an estimate; RO or invoice reflects the pricing level defined here for that customer. Prices for one or all parts can also be changed at the order item level. You might have a standard retail invoice and choose to give a break on a single item with this method. This should give you some idea of how the discount tools work and where they might come into play.”

In addition to defining Parts price levels for each customer, the values listed here come into play later with an Alternate Price feature found within the Inventory List screen.

To add/edit a Price Level item

1. Select Price Levels from the Standard Tables dialog box.

The Price Levels Table dialog box appears.

2. Add/edit the fields of the Price Levels Table as necessary. The table is comprised of the following two fields.

  • Description - The name of the part discount category as it appears in pull-down menus and on printed reports.
  • Discount - The percentage of the part's price that will be applied as a discount to the order.

Note: The Price Levels that you enter on the first line should be the one your shop uses most frequently as this will be the discount that will be automatically applied as the default when you add a part to an order.

3. Select OK to save your additions/changes.