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Mail Merge Letter Setup in Word

 The Mail Merge feature allows you to merge information from your database into a document you have created and formatted in Microsoft® Word.

To run mail-merge, you must have the following software installed on your computer:

·          Mitchell 1 / ShopKey Shop Management

·          Microsoft Access 97.

·          Microsoft Word 2000.

Refer to the detailed procedure for running Mail Merge in Chapter 13 of your User's Guide.

See also...

Mail Merge Letter Setup

  Adding a Post Card

1. Select Add.

2. In the Add Post Card dialog, enter data for Post Card Title, Type, and Text in their respective fields.

3. Select OK to save changes.

  Editing a Post Card

1. Click on a description to highlight.

2. Select Edit to display the Edit Post Card dialog box.

3. Make any desired changes to the Post Card Title, Type, or Text.

4. Select OK to save changes.

  Deleting a Post Card

1. Highlight the description you want to delete.

2. Select Delete. A dialog box asks you to confirm your deletion.

3. Select Yes to delete the Post Card Description.