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Income/Payment Types                  

Each of these accounts can be assigned a unique GL Code to split out the dollars in  meaningful ways. When the Revenue by GL Code report is run, it provides a breakdown of the dollars collected for a day, a week, a month, a year or any date range in between.

Many shops run this report on a daily basis. While it is possible to add new GL codes at any time, consider any changes very carefully. Depending on how this is implemented, the accuracy of the reporting process can be impacted. While we’re here this is a good time to review the Payment Types; these entries appear in the drop–down list in the Apply Payments window. The program comes with a fairly standard set that you can modify at any time. If you do not see the entry you need click on Add and create it as needed. Give it a name and determine whether it should be counted as cash, check or credit card. Then apply a common or unique GL code depending on your motivation.

Caution: It is highly recommended that any changes to this area be made BEFORE starting regular use of the live program. Changes made later will affect the accuracy of your reports. Income Accounts are the General Ledger (GL) account numbers where revenues (labor, parts, sublet, shop supplies, hazardous materials and any other others created) are grouped by business segment and/or tax setting for accounting purposes.

Payment Types

Payment Types are the various forms of payment presented by a customer to pay their bill. This is where you would add a credit card, debit card, or other new payment type. You may add/edit/delete these codes and descriptions with some caution.  

Cash refers to any payment by cash, credit card, check, etc. In other words, this is any payment to an order balance other than a charge to a customer's in-house credit account. These values are used within numerous Accounting Reports in this program.

Add Income/Payment Type Description

To access Income/Payment Types, you must select Standard Tables from the Setup menu, and then select Income/Payment Types from the Standard Tables dialog box.

To add an Income Account Description:

1. In the Income/Payment Types dialog box with Income Accounts selected, choose Add. The Account Class Information dialog box displays.

2. Type in a new Income Account Description and General Ledger (GL) Code.

3. Add Account Descriptions and GL Codes, as determined by your shops accounting needs, for:

  • Cost of Sale
  • Expense/Asset/Liabilities
  • Cost of Commissions
  • Commissions Earned

Note: Contact your accountant if you need assistance in determining the proper values for these fields.

4. Select OK.

You are returned to the Income/Payment Types dialog box with your new Income Account added to the list

Add Payment Type Description

To access Income/Payment Types, you must select Standard Tables from the Setup menu, and then select Income/Payment Types from the Standard Tables dialog box.

Note: In Manager terminology, Cash refers to any payment by cash, credit card, check, etc.-in other words, any payment to an order balance other than a charge to a customer's in-house credit account.

To Add a Payment Type Description:

1. In the Account Descriptions dialog box with Payment Types selected, choose Add. The Account Class Information dialog box displays.

2. Choose whether the account is a Cash, Check, or Credit Card account.

3. Type in an Account Description.

4. Type in a GL Code.

5. Choose OK.

 You are returned to the Accounts Descriptions dialog box with your new Payment Type added to the list.

Edit Income/Payment Type

To access Income/Payment Types, you must select Standard Tables from the Setup menu, and then select Income/Payment Types from the Standard Tables dialog box.

To Edit an Income/Payment Type

1. In the Income/Payment Types dialog box, highlight the line of the account you wish to edit.

2. Choose Edit. The Account Class Information dialog box appears with the current information displayed in the data fields.

3. Enter, or overtype, new information as desired.

4. Choose OK to save your new account information.

Delete Income/Payment Type

To access Income/Payment Types, you must select Standard Tables from the Setup menu, and then select Income/Payment Types from the Standard Tables dialog box.

To Delete an Income/Payment Type

    1. Highlight the line of the account you wish to delete.

    2. Choose Delete. A dialog box directs you to confirm your deletion. 

    3. Choose Yes to delete.