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Fees for Inventory Part


The Fees for Inventory Part dialog box allows you to associate fees (for example, a special handling fee) with an inventory item. When the inventory item is attached to an order, the fee appears as a line item in the order. The charge is included in the order total and subtotals.

To add an Inventory Part fee:

1.     Select the Fee button in the Add/Edit Part dialog box.

        The Fees for Inventory Part dialog box appears.

2.     Type in a description of the work in the Work Requested text entry box.

        This is the description that will appear in the Description field on the order.

3.     Select Vendor, Category, and Account from the pull-down choice lists.

4.     Select Taxable if the fee will be taxed at the shop rate.

5.     Select No Commission if the fee should not be included in commission calculations when the associated part is attached to an order.

6.     Select if the Fee Type is Labor or Sublet:

        If Labor: Type in either the hours or dollar amount. The other field will be extended automatically at the shop rate.

        If Sublet: Type in the Cost if you desire that the Sublet operation be extended by the shop sublet markup rate or type in a Total amount if you want to enter a fixed dollar amount for the Sublet Fee.

7.     Choose OK to save your changes and close the Fees for Inventory Part dialog box.