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F4 - Find History

View the Program Workflow DemoF4 is the shortcut key to open Find History Record. Using this, you can quickly search your database history for a specific invoice or alternately, you can search the database history for records of a selected year-make-model. Here’s a breakdown.

By Invoice number - allows users to quickly find a history invoice by number. The Last 100 invoices are already visible and can be sorted by Invoice # or Date. When users need to look up an older Invoice and the number is known; type it in and press Enter (same as clicking View Record). Use Alt + D or click Detail to open History Detail. Print is provided and Payment History allows users to see all payments applied to this invoice. Payments button allows access to make a payment correction without leaving History.

By Vehicle - allows users to quickly find history invoices for a specified vehicle or type of work performed. It offers the ability to search for history records based upon full or partial vehicle information and/or Word Search text for any invoices containing certain types of repair; transmission, radiator, etc. The results are displayed as invoice numbers, dates, names and invoice amounts. It’s also possible to just use word search alone, if make or model doesn’t matter. This makes for some useful search possibilities; users can quiz their database for certain types of work performed on certain vehicles and potentially copy & paste all the invoice details into a current order or Revision.