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F3 - Find Customer

View the Program Workflow DemoThe F3 Find Customer utility allows you to quickly locate a customer or vehicle record from anywhere in the program. You can search the database for a customer based upon phone number, license number, last name, or company name. In fact, you can look up a customer with partial information such as the first few letters of a last name or digits of a license plate. For fleet customers, you’ll be able to enter a unit number and immediately start an order. Type it in and press Enter; that’s the same as clicking on Find. That exact vehicle has been selected and you can proceed to the Order screen and get busy. You can enter VIN numbers or even a partial VIN in the VIN field. The ‘%’ is used as a wildcard; if you just have the last 6 digits to work with, enter ‘%’ then those numbers. We do recommend using the F6 New window to validate names and preventing creation of duplicates. However F3 is very useful for those unit # and VIN # searches.

Sticky settings allow your program to remember screen preferences, saving time and effort. For example, when the ‘F3’ key is pressed, the program remembers from last time that I searched on Unit # and puts cursor there ready for fresh entry, because it was used with that field last time.